Advertisement rules
- Registration. New advertisements can only be added by signed-in users.
- New advertisements. By submitting new advertisements, the users agree to comply with advertisement rules.
- Content. Users are solely responsible for the content of advertisements. The content must comply not be offensive or misleading and must comply with general legal regulations the home countries. They are also responsible to comply with general copyright infringement rules. The website administrators retain the right to remove advertisements that breach the rules.
- Expiry. Advertisements are valid for six months. The users will be sent e-mail reminder to update advertisements five months after the publishing. If the advertisements are not updated, the advertisements will be automatically removed.
- Grammar. The users are recommended to maintain national grammar and writing standards. The website administrators retain the right to correct the grammar in advertisements.
- Photos. Animal photos should be of GIF, JPG or PNG formats and must not exceed 300kb.
- Contacts. Before saving the advertisement, please ensure that the contact data is correct.
- Editing. The users can edit their advertisements, change photos and/or remove their advertisements at any point in time after the submission.
- Distribution. Information published in our portal becomes our property. The advertisements might be distributed to other websites and portals and/or newspapers.
- Change of the rules. The advertisement rules can be changed at administrators discretion without any separate notice.
If you have any questions or have trouble with advertisements, please contact website administrators at info@animalcare.lt. Thank you for your understanding and good luck!
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